
How to create your own game engine by yourself
How to create your own game engine by yourself

how to create your own game engine by yourself

One of the problems that we had in the Pong game was how long and unwieldy the code was. All the code is on the page and all the assets you need are made available from this page, but please take a look at the bonus download offer.Īlso, note that all the bonus downloads for this and every future tutorial is available on an exclusive download area for my Patreon subscribers. Obviously, if you configured your development environment slightly differently then your folder names will vary. dll files from the YOUR_DRIVE:\SFML\bin to YOUR_DRIVE:\Visual Studio Stuff\Projects\Simple Game Engine\Simple Game Engine. Now delete all of its contents as we will be starting with an empty file. This is a more appropriate name as this will indeed be the source file containing the main function. Choose Rename and rename the file to Main.

how to create your own game engine by yourself

Right-click the HelloSFML.cpp file under the Source Files heading from the right-hand Solution Explorer window.In the left-hand menu click C++. Select the HelloSFML template and name your project Simple Game Engine. Open Visual Studio and from the main menu choose File | New Project.These next steps set up our new SFML C++ game engine project.

how to create your own game engine by yourself

If you haven’t completed the Building your first SFML game project you will need to do that first in order for the next steps to work. To get started we need to create a new project in Visual Studio, complete with all the required properties to work with SFML. Creating the simple game engine project in Visual Studio

How to create your own game engine by yourself